#1 Recommended
Resume Writer on

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1100+ recommendations

Always One-on-One
Personalized Service
with Jack Wolf

10,000+ jobs landed

JWC Professional Resume Services

Established in 1988, J. Wolf Communications has a proven track record of over three decades. Jack Wolf, a Certified Professional Resume Writer, has helped thousands of individuals secure their dream job or take a step closer to it.

Each resume is crafted from scratch with one-on-one personalized service. Tailored for ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems), the resumes are detailed, visually appealing, and, most importantly, effective in landing interviews.

Jack Wolf’s approach is focused and direct. He highlights your experience, accomplishments, education, and key selling points in a way that ensures employers know exactly who you are. This “Real World” approach, combined with his extensive experience, has earned J. Wolf Communications more recommendations on LinkedIn than any other resume writer in the nation.

To get started, call (310) 779-6588 or use the online tool for a Free Consultation of your resume. Mr. Wolf will call you to review all the necessary details and next steps.

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#1 Recommended

I highly recommend Jack for his exceptional skills in revamping resumes and crafting compelling cover letters. Jack took the time to have a thorough and meaningful conversation with me, ensuring he fully understood my career goals and the specific jobs I’m targeting. His personalized approach was invaluable in tailoring my resume to align perfectly with the job descriptions and industry standards.

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5.0 out of 5.0 stars

I had the pleasure of working with Jack Wolf on my resume and job search, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. Jack is quick, knowledgeable, and incredibly personable. His expertise and promptness in addressing my needs made the entire process smooth and efficient. My dream job found me!

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4.5 out of 5.0 stars

Talk about getting the job done right!

Mr. Wolf, 110%, helped me land my current dream job. Although I interviewed for the role, I have no doubt that if it wasn’t for Mr. Wolf’s special touch on my resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn page, I wouldn’t have gotten my foot in the door.

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